sunday school

What Is Sunday School

Sunday school is a class taught on Sundays by churches. Sunday school lessons usually include both biblical and character training for children, teens, and even adults. Sunday schools were originally developed to give poor children who were working in factories the chance to learn to read, but with the advent of compulsory education, children are now being taught to read by the public school system. This gives churches the chance to teach their children values and Bible stories during Sunday school.

In most churches, Sunday school lasts for around an hour. The class is usually taught before the formal church service, and the classes are divided up by age for children and subject area for adults. While each church will handle its Sunday school differently, there are some commonalities in these sessions. They typically include prayer, lesson time, singing, and an offering.

School Safety

If you are asked to teach a Sunday school class, your first concern will be finding Sunday school lessons. While most Sunday school lessons come from curriculum that has been purchased by the church, you can find free Sunday school lessons online. When looking for free Sunday school lessons, be sure to choose a program or lesson that conforms to your church's beliefs and teachings.

If you do not regularly attend church but would like your children to attend Sunday school, consider looking for a church in your area that runs a Sunday school bus. These buses will pick up your children for Sunday school, and church and then bring them home after the services. Be sure to check what safety protocols are in place before sending your children on the bus.

School Safety

School safety is something that all individuals in authority in a school setting need to take into consideration. No matter how large or small a school is, if there are children who attend, the safety of those children is the school's responsibility.

Did You Know

That the very first school bus was drawn by horse? In 1827 George Shillibeer built it for a Quaker school and was designed to carry up to 25 children. Heat not include!